This Elevator Goes Down.


The elevator doors swiftly open and I am dragged inside.

This Elevator Goes Down,
 And down is where it takes me.

I find new levels of low as I descend deeper and deeper. Deeper through my mall of a mind, diving into feelings long left behind, digging up emotions I had left buried under clouds of smoke.
This elevator will not open,


This Elevator Goes Down,

 And deeper is where I go.

I remember the things I left here, memories meant to be forgotten, thoughts not to be thought of, and reminders that this elevator only holds myself and no one else.
This elevator will not stop here,



This Elevator Goes Down,

 And down is never closer.

I don't know why I got on in the first place.
 I should have left the past down this shaft, along with all memories of mistakes.

But I didn't have a choice. What is buried isn't gone for good.
This elevator is my perfect reflection, a prison made of mirrors.




This Elevator Goes Down,
And like tomorrow, it is not reachable.

So for now until the smoke,
   the steam,
       and all forgotten good times push this elevator back to the surface,
       and me out of this descent.





This Elevator Goes Down,



This Elevator Goes Down,,




This Elevator Goes Down,,,






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